Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's been a while...

I am so stressed.

Well, I missed my class on the day of our Christmas Party and Midterms. We went down to Greensboro, NC to see my brother swim at Nationals. (!!!) However, my teacher is sending me my test to take at home. My mother said that I shall take it tomorrow morning. I am doing great on everything except for Latin.

Ok, Latin in general is hard, I am all caught up on the excercises and flash cards. It's just the grammar rules.

Long story short, it's 12:40 AM and I am still studying for my Latin exam. I am not finished yet, because I'm procrastinating. I'm sitting here with my tea, blogging about how stressed I am. Smart move, Hayden. Smart move. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall go and read the third book of Warriors: A New Prophecy. My friend is letting my borrow the books, and I just got this one on Monday. I'm excited. ^-^

I'll post more if I survive...

Yours Truly, Hayden Beth 

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